Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Skagit County

Had to take a day before leaving the Northwest to ride by the old Nursery I helped develop in the  mid to late 80's 

 the perimeter plantings are now over 25 yrs old!
Redwood in far back and Incense Cedar on left
 The nursery is near Bow,  in the Skagit flats tulip field area. From that area, looking west toward Anacortes,  you can see Mount Erie,

and vice versa so I decided to
vice versa.  Below is looking east over the Skagit flats from the top of Erie
From Mt. Erie you can see the San Juan islands of Puget Sound
and of course....

                          Smith Island!!
                  yeah, the speck in the middle below

Between Anacortes and the Skagit Valley Flats is the Swinomish Channel and the fabulous town of Laconner a fun visit by boat or car.

Now it has decided to rain some so I've set up the DVD and the Monitor and will watch the
                                        Eagles "When Hell Freezes Over" in my living room