Saturday, October 13, 2012

My Home Town

Back in my home town of Huntington for a visit with friends and a nostalgic look at where I grew up.
The motorhome needed a few maintenance items accomplished so I took it to a place where I knew I could get a fair result.  That meant spending a couple nights 'Boondocking'.  That is when you have no hook up to power, water, etc. and rely on the batteries, generator and holding tanks.  Good to do once in a while but I prefer a few luxuries when I 'rough it'!  Even the computer is reliant on batteries, thus the communication becomes less often, oh poor me!
Got a great chance to re-visit stomping grounds, talk to friends and relatives, and reminisce on the formative years.  For example a park close to home that had a sunken garden...

 and elsewhere a  creek flow through.  The creek was dammed and in the winter there was an ice skating rink. 
 I don't remember the gang involved, but a group of us found an entrance up stream where the ice was open at the creek bank and the water had receded from no rain or snow-fall for a time. 
  We were able to stoop and walk on the creek bed, underneath the ice and sneak down to where there were skaters up above us on the ice.  through the 8" ice we could see shadows and hear voices above. Sounds like "Journey to the Center of the Earth" and frankly felt that way.  Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive!
Used a favorite local hang out as a 'meet and greet' so everyone would have an easy time finding me. 
 Rode my bicycle all around town and even took the motorcycle around to see the county.  Gotta admit, I just bummed around for a while. I sorta earned my keep helping my cousin get her house ready to rent.  A little déjà vu  for me.  My friends thought I needed a reminder so they got me this...

I'm back down to Muncie to see my sister's family then off to warmer nites.  I'm fighting frosty nites in Indiana and my blood says SOUTH!

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