Made it to Montana! Trout Creek Campsite is on Montana 200 south of lake Pend Oreille ( pronounced pond-er-ay for y'all east of the mis'ippy). Anyway, Snoqualmie pass over the Cascade range was a breeze. Spent a night in Spokane just to break up the drive. Went north to Sand Point, Idaho and around Lk Pend Oreille down to the camp site.
Looks just like Puget Sound!
Montana line is about 10 mi north of camp
Home base for the next 8 days. 75 day temp and 48 night.....thinking about Glacier park ride but it means taking the sleeping bag......burrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
nice I enjoyed Glacier esp going to the sun road....But that was almost 40 years ago YIKES