Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Harney Peak

Felt like getting some exercise so I rode to Harney Peak.  It is slightly to the west of Mt. Rushmore and is the highest peak of South Dakota and claims being the highest point in the U.S. east of the Rocky Mts.
So I should hike it!
Choppers from Ellsworth AFB, Rapid City
  Just inside the park is the trail head and Sylvan Lake.  A very Photogenic area and great day for it. Sylvan is dammed at the left of this picture and there is a tunnel that gives you access to the back side of the Dam.

 The trail/hike is about 7 mi. round trip and partially shared by folks on horseback.


 Ok, here is my opportunity to show and tell.  The Northwest forests from Washington to South Dakota have severe infestations of Bark Beetles.  The dude is an immigrant from Europe and probably came in on logs many years back.  Being from elsewhere there are no natural predators here so they go un- checked.  They bore into the bark and lay eggs.  The eggs hatch into larvae (worms) and the larvae feed on the cambium of the tree.  The cambium carries the water up from the roots and the photosynthetic food down from the needles. With me?
The cambium is only 1/16th in. thick or less so when the larvae feed, they cut off the translocation of food and water in that area.  It doesn't take long, or many larvae to surround the trunk (girdle) and stop all flow, killing the tree.  Interestingly the beetle species can be identified by the pattern of the feeding lines of the larvae.  Some are radial, some are linear, these look....helter-skelter!

Death from BUG

 Woodpeckers feed on the larvae so there are predators but insufficient to slow the progress of destruction.  When you see 'pecker holes' you know you have beetles.  Also food for thought about the importance of woodpecker habitat. That is ecosystem management.

Brown forest spoches from beetle infestation
 We have a serious problem and attempts to combat it are less than needed.

                                              nuf said, but
                                             What a view
 At the top of Harney peak is a lookout tower that was used for spotting forest fires.  Quite a structure built by the Conservation Corp. in the 30's. 

                                                                 What a CLIMB!!
                                                              What a VIEW!!


Met a couple at the start of the hike that have the same idea as I.  They have a motorhome and pull a motorcycle on a trailer behind it and are traveling and enjoying retirement.  We had a great hike together and I really enjoyed their company. 


  1. posts about fires and beetles? you are your daughters father... love!

  2. Ah the 30s, when we could afford to pay people to build a lot of shit we didn't need...oh wait, we do that now too
